Revenue Mind

Welcome to Revenue Mind! This is where we dive into the side of revenue leadership that rarely gets talked about: mental health. Every episode is packed with real, raw stories straight from the business world’s pulse. We’ve got insights from top execs and rising stars on the mental challenges and victories they face. Our mission? To put mental health in the spotlight, proving it’s just as critical as hitting your revenue goal.

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Friday Jun 21, 2024

In this episode of Revenue Mind, Mason Cosby, founder of Scrappy ABM, discusses the balance between work, life, and mental health in revenue leadership. He emphasizes prioritizing family and personal well-being alongside professional success. Mason shares his passion for podcasting, which helps him refine his thoughts and build friendships. He also highlights the importance of mental health advocacy in marketing and leadership, fostering supportive workplaces and giving deeper meaning to his work.
Key Takeaways
Family and personal well-being should come first when building a business.
Create a work environment with clear roles and flexibility to handle life's challenges.
Align your work with your personal values to find true purpose and satisfaction.
Writing your obituary can help clarify your life's purpose and ensure you live meaningfully.
Consider job transitions to align your professional life with personal goals and achieve balance.
Focus on continual progress and growth to keep your career dynamic and fulfilling.
Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background02:40 Exploring the Power of Podcasting and Relationship Building06:18 Mastering the Balance Between Work and Personal Life11:37 The Role of Mental Health Advocacy in Marketing23:38 Handling Performance Pressure and Its Mental Health Effects29:27 Emphasizing Creativity and Mental Well-Being in Leadership35:02 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance and Finding Purpose
Learn more about Mason Cosby.
Learn more about Jolie Shapiro.
Sign up for Mental, the free mental health community for professionals.

Monday May 27, 2024

In this episode, Vlad Blagojević, co-founder of, talks for the very first time about his experiences with mental health challenges and strategies for navigating them. Vlad shared a personal story of a difficult time when he was overwhelmed with work and financial stress. He emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's situation and being brutally honest with oneself. Vlad also discusses the impact of acceptance and mindset shifts on mental well-being, particularly in conflicts and work-related stress. He advises individuals feeling stuck to face reality, prioritize change, and plan carefully before making any major decisions.
Vlad highlights the interconnectedness of key pillars of mental well-being, such as purpose, values, connections, sleep, exercise, food, and planning. He shares insights on preventing burnout and living a fulfilling life by building strong connections, finding purpose in work, and maintaining physical health. Vlad emphasizes consistency, prioritization to avoid overwhelm, and the significance of perception in shaping reality. He encourages empathy and understanding towards others, recognizing that everyone is fighting their own battles.
Take full responsibility for your situation and be brutally honest with yourself.
Acceptance and mindset shifts can profoundly impact mental well-being, especially in conflicts and work-related stress.
When feeling stuck, face reality, prioritize change, and plan carefully before making major decisions.
Key pillars of mental well-being, such as purpose, values, connections, sleep, exercise, food, and planning, are interconnected and support each other.
Building strong connections with others and opening up about struggles can help prevent burnout.
Understanding values and finding purpose in work contribute to a fulfilling life.
Taking care of physical health through exercise, sleep, and nutrition is crucial for overall well-being.
Consistency and prioritization are key to managing stress and avoiding overwhelm.
Perception plays a significant role in interpreting and experiencing the world, and empathy towards others is important.
Everyone is fighting their own battles, so it's essential to approach others with understanding and compassion.
00:00: Introduction and Welcome
01:18: Navigating Mental Health Challenges and Strategies for Success
06:29: The Power of Acceptance and Mindset Shifts
16:23: Overcoming Feeling Stuck and Making Change
27:41: Preventing Burnout: The Power of Connections
32:02: Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Work
33:00: Taking Care of Your Physical Health for Well-being
34:26: Managing Stress: Consistency and Prioritization
46:00: The Role of Perception in Shaping Reality
50:13: Empathy and Understanding: Everyone's Fighting Their Own Battles
Learn more about Vladimir Blagojević.
Learn more about Jolie Shapiro.
Learn more about Mental.

Friday Apr 12, 2024

In this episode of Revenue Mind, Anthony Kennada, Founder & CEO of AudiencePlus opens up about how he faced health scares and family crises head-on while wrestling with the demands of leadership. Anthony reveals how these pivotal moments have altered his perspective on life and career. This episode dives into the core of genuine, relationship-driven marketing, the intense challenges of leading a company, and the vital task of redefining personal work identity.
Anthony highlights the often overlooked power of vulnerability in business, recounting personal stories of anxiety, grief, and the constant balancing of personal challenges with professional duties. The discussion seeks to ignite a conversation about creating a workplace that values empathy, awareness, and mental health, reinforcing the supportive message that we are never alone in our challenges.
The essence of authentic and relational marketing and its impact on growth.
The unique pressures founders and CEOs face striving for balance.
The importance of redefining work identity for life fulfillment.
Overcoming adversity with the support of faith and community
00:00 Introduction and Anthony's Background02:39 The Power of Authentic and Relational Marketing08:24 Redefining Work Identity13:06 The Challenges of Being a Founder and CEO24:52 The Power of Relinquishing Control and Embracing Vulnerability26:06 Navigating Anxiety and Grief in Personal and Professional Life34:33 Creating a Culture of Awareness and Empathy in the Workplace41:24 You Are Not Alone: Seeking Help and Support
Learn more about Anthony Kennada.Learn more about Jolie Shapiro.Learn more about Mental.

Friday Apr 05, 2024

In the first episode of Revenue Mind, Chris Walker, founder of Refine Labs and Passetto, dives into the critical yet often neglected overlap between revenue leadership and mental health. Chris opens up about his journey as an entrepreneur, discussing the pressures of revenue leadership and the importance of a supportive company culture.
They explore tough questions about balancing high performance with mental well-being and how empathy can redefine leadership and spur growth. The conversation covers practical strategies like setting boundaries, the role of technology in mental health, and learning from failure.
This episode offers wisdom on fostering resilience in oneself and one's team. It's an essential listen for anyone in revenue leadership, providing valuable perspectives on integrating the professional and personal for holistic growth. Join Jolie and Chris for a conversation that underscores the importance of mental health in the demanding world of revenue.
Mental health is as crucial as growth targets for revenue leaders.
Use technology to aid mental health initiatives for better business results.
View failure as a learning chance, essential for refining leadership tactics.
Own your happiness and growth for impactful revenue leadership.
00:00 Introduction and Background
02:18 Choosing the Right Company for Revenue Leaders
05:06 Elevating Mental Health as a Business Metric
09:39 Strategies for Revenue Leaders to Alleviate Stress
18:36 Personal Mental Health Challenges and Reshaping Leadership Approach
24:00 Safeguarding Mental Health in High-Stakes Environments
27:56 Harnessing Technology for Mental Health Initiatives
36:56 Lessons from Failure in Revenue Leadership
43:40 The Future of Mental Health in Revenue Leadership
Learn more about Chris Walker.
Learn more about Jolie Shapiro.
Sign up for Mental, the free mental health community for professionals.

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